Byrne Hall

Byrne Hall
The Academy building was turned over to DePaul University, and renamed Byrne Hall. Bygone DePaul | Special Collections & Archives


About the DePaul Emeritus Society

DePaul University values its ongoing connections with its faculty and staff retirees, as it values their past contributions to the university’s mission. The DePaul University Emeritus Society was founded in 2008 with the merger of the Staff Emeritus Society and the Emeritus Professors Association. The Society is sponsored by the University’s Office of Mission and Values.

The purpose of the DePaul Emeritus Society is to provide a means for ongoing connection, communication, and socialization between the university and its emeritus faculty and staff, and between individual retirees whose professional lives were for so many years dedicated to university service.

Photos, events, and information of interest to members of the DePaul Emeritus Society will be posted to this blog. Please take a look, add your comment, offer to be an "author" or just enjoy.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

2013 Scholarship Recipients - Very Grateful

This past Spring, seven scholarships were granted from the DePaul Emeritus Society Endowed Scholarship and the Office of Mission and Values matching funds.   Our scholarship funds are earmarked for Juniors and Seniors.

Four recipients graduated this past Spring and answered the question:  What does this scholarship mean to you and your family?

"This scholarship means a lot to me, as well as my family.  We have gone through a financial hardship this year, and it has really relieved a lot of stress in our lives right now.  I was always told I would never make it to a big school because it would be too expensive.  But I am graduating this June and I am so proud that I have come this far, with everyone's help.  Thank you!"
"This scholarship has provided a means to finish my education.  It gave me the resources to finance my final semester at DePaul and get my bachelor's degree.  To my family, this scholarship provides the first graduate of a higher education institution."
"It means the ability to rest easy at night.  My mother already works two jobs, and I work over 30 hours a week plus I attend school full time.  Without this scholarship, I would need to work extra time, and it would impact my studies.  I am really grateful for your generous contribution, and I hope that I make the most of it."
"This means too much to express in words.  Coming from a family that needs to work twice as hard to get anywhere, the money is appreciated. To me, this scholarship pushes me to work harder in order to finish school and stay motivated, despite the workload and stress that comes with it.  Still, I continue to tell myself that it will all be worth it in the end.  Donors that contribute to our education make it all worth it, and they prove to us that our education matters to them, too."

Thank you to all of our DES donors and congratulations to our 2013 DES Scholarship graduates.

Source: Office of Development, Director of Stewardship and Donor Relations, July 3, 2013

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