Byrne Hall

Byrne Hall
The Academy building was turned over to DePaul University, and renamed Byrne Hall. Bygone DePaul | Special Collections & Archives


About the DePaul Emeritus Society

DePaul University values its ongoing connections with its faculty and staff retirees, as it values their past contributions to the university’s mission. The DePaul University Emeritus Society was founded in 2008 with the merger of the Staff Emeritus Society and the Emeritus Professors Association. The Society is sponsored by the University’s Office of Mission and Values.

The purpose of the DePaul Emeritus Society is to provide a means for ongoing connection, communication, and socialization between the university and its emeritus faculty and staff, and between individual retirees whose professional lives were for so many years dedicated to university service.

Photos, events, and information of interest to members of the DePaul Emeritus Society will be posted to this blog. Please take a look, add your comment, offer to be an "author" or just enjoy.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Book Club April 6, 2016

Our conversation on "Being Mortal" focused on the importance of what we learned from the book. We decided it served as an owner's manual for us and our bodies, with much useful information about the aging process itself and why our physical processes lead us to our inevitable ends. Far from being depressing, we agreed that the options Atul Gawande presented about care of the elderly, and medical interventions helped us all think more clearly about what our own futures hold. A discussion about the questions faced by making end of life care decisions provided many interesting observations from personal experience. We agreed this was a book many others would profit from reading.

Our next book will be “ A God in Ruins”, by Kate Atkinson. Set in the aftermath of World War II, the book highlights the contributions of one man to the war and his life in post war England. For those not familiar with the book, here is a review.   

We next meet Wednesday, June 1, in Room 115 of the Richardson Library.  Discussion begins at 1:30, with the room open at 1 pm. for anyone who wants to bring in a brown bag lunch.  For further information contact Kathryn DeGraff or Helen Marlborough.

Suggested titles for future consideration:
“The Dust That Falls from Dreams” by Louis de Bernieres
“Frances Perkins:  The Woman Behind the New Deal”  Kirsten Downey
“Frank” by Barney Frank
“The Swerve” by Stephen Greenblatt
“That Cape Magic” Richard Russo

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